How to Stay Healthy When Life Gets Crazy


Trust me when I say this… Life gets insane and we don’t always have time to do a workout + cook 3 healthy meals in a day. When life is crazy, it’s easy to get off track and end up feeling run down and even sick. Here are some simple strategies and routines for the busy times so that you can get through to the other side feeling health and happy!

Hydrate First Thing in the Morning

One of my non-negotiables is to start out my day with lots of fluids. While we’re sleeping, our bodies are working hard to digest food, build new cells and tissue, and regulate our hormones, so we actually wake up dehydrated. My first priority each morning after taking the dogs out is to make a cup of warm lemon water or tea to sip while I get ready for the day. I shared more about the benefits of warm lemon water here if you’re curious! Hydrating first thing (especially before a cup of coffee) will start you on the right path and make you feel better!

Order the Healthiest You Can

I definitely pick up fast food and takeout some days. Is it the healthiest I could eat? Definitely not, but I do the best I can while I’m there. Even if you’re swinging through Wendy’s or where ever, make the best choices you can. Maybe get your burger or grilled chicken sandwich wrapped in lettuce instead of a bun, and get a side salad instead of the fries. Get a fresh sushi roll (you can even ask for them to go light on the rice!), skip the cheese, get fajitas without the tortillas, pick up a big green salad, or a green smoothie, etc. I have more tips on how to stay healthy when eating out here.


Take Your Water with you Everywhere

When people ask me how to start making healthy lifestyle changes, the first thing I tell them is to up their water consumption. This is something absolutely everyone can do! When I’m good about drinking water I have more energy, less headaches, clearer thinking, less anxiety, less bloating, and better skin! So many of us are walking around dehydrated day-to-day (especially if you drink coffee or soda), so this is an easy thing you can do that makes a huge difference. I recommend having a reusable water bottle or tumbler that can come with you just about everywhere! I have this one on my wish list.  

Cook a Little Extra

If I’m cooking a dinner that will reheat well, I like to make extra to use as healthy lunches! Not having to cook something for lunch or eat the same few lunch foods helps me to save time (less dirty dishes!), make healthier choices, and be more excited about what I’m eating.

Protect Your Immune System

When life is extra crazy I tend to run myself ragged and am prone to getting sick, which sets me even further behind. Whether you take some elderberry syrup each day or are really good about eating your greens, make sure you protect and boost your immune system. Don’t forget that 80% of your immune system is in your gut!


Plan Ahead and Pack Healthy Snacks

When I look over my calendar for the day and see that it’s going to be absolutely cray, I’ll pack some healthy snacks in case I don’t get a lunch break or have to go a long time between meals. This sets me up for a lot more success than going through the drive-through out of desperation. I’ll do a post about snacks soon, but some of my favorites are raw almonds, hard boiled eggs, raw veggies (like bell pepper slices) and these clean, low carb peanut butter bars (I like the crunchy ones).

Don’t Lose Your Nighttime Routine

Maybe your routine gets cut down from 30 minutes to 8 minutes on a particularly crazy day, but make sure you don’t lose it altogether. It’s so important for our hormones, digestion and overall health to get good quality sleep, so a routine to wind down is key. My non-negotiables: putting away my phone a little bit before going to bed, taking my vitamins and supplements, and doing my skincare routine.

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