New Year, New Growth: My 2018 Resolutions

Hey gals, I took a quick blogging break, but I'm back and feeling SO ready for this new year! I have lots of content ideas, including more health & wellness content (yay or nay??), and I'm feeling really happy about it.

And now onto the topic of this post - my 2018 resolutions/goals! Perhaps new years resolutions are overdone, but I genuinely love the opportunity to set some fresh goals. Blogging them kind of creates some accountability for myself too!

Goal 1: to continue learning more about nutrition and eating clean
I find that the more I learn about nutrition the more healthy I want to eat! While I'm not completely giving up Taco Bell or pizza anytime soon, I've really cleaned up my act when it comes to food without feeling deprived. However, I absolutely have more to learn and can always do better! I think moderation is absolutely key, but when I'm equipped with more knowledge, the more I want to eat for nourishment. I'm not trying to lose weight, which takes a lot of pressure off. I just want to take care of my body by being as healthy as I can be! I've been reading this uh-mazing book, and this book is next on my reading list! I can also send you some great podcast episodes about healthy eating that have really benefited me - just holla at me!

Goal 2: to blog about what feels right
So, this seems like a given, but hear me out. I'm still obsessed with fashion and styling, but over the past few years my interests have grown and shifted to some degree, and if I'm being my authentic + best self it makes sense to reflect those interests here! So, in 2018 I plan to write about more personal topics (you guys seem to love those types of posts - yay!), and to add in more health & wellness tips + recipes! Wellness (mind, fitness + food) is becoming an increasingly important part of my life and I can't wait to share more with you. If you have any requests on those topics, please, please send them my way!! Oh, and of course I'll keep up the outfit and beauty posts!

Goal 3: to get stronger and leaner
I'm not about making goals to "get skinny" or "stop eating crap" because those aren't realistic or specific. But, I definitely want to continue to build on the progress I made in the last year in terms of getting fitter and stronger. I want to add in more weight and resistance training this year (nothing crazy!), and try a few new classes! I'm even thinking about tackling Kayla Itsines' Bikini Body Guide this spring or summer. I did it before my wedding, and it seriously works!

Goal 4: to get better at protecting my time
I am so, so bad at saying no. If someone needs help with something, I often drop things I had planned for myself, or mess up my own schedule to help. In a way, this is a good quality - I mean at least I'm not a jerk and do like to help people! But, I tend to overextend myself badly, and often don't get to do things that I had planned for myself (like blog photoshoots, time set aside to blog/edit photos, time to clean my house, workouts, etc.). This year I want to work toward a better balance. I still want to be willing to jump in and help with random things, but to also not feel guilty about saying no to something if I have time blocked off for just myself! In adulthood I've learned that some people don't respect others' time, and that it's okay to tell them "no." I just need to do it a little more often :)

similar sweaters here and here (mine was H&M)  |  jeans  |  phone case  |  ankle boots (the ones I'm wearing here are my old pair, but I now have the nearly identical linked pair and love them!) 

These photos were taken in Monarch Coffee in Kansas City! It's a gorgeous little spot if you're ever in the area. 

Thanks for stopping by, and Happy New Year! xx