Our Baby Registry

JacyLenore Baby Registry.jpg

While I still have a bit of time, I wanted to share what’s on our baby registry! I worked hard to keep this succinct and hope this will be a helpful guide/checklist if you find yourself creating your own registry! Quality and aesthetics were really important to me, and I looked for non-toxic and organic options as much as possible. Thanks to mama friends, jotting down suggestions in my phone over the years, and many hours of research, I feel really wonderful about our registry, and genuinely love everything on it! 

I created our baby registry on Babylist, and have loved using it! It’s been fantastic having one registry all in one place, and I like that I can add items from any website. It’s allowed me to choose items from small businesses too, which is really important to me! This list follows the categories on our registry:

Baby Gear
Travel sound machine
Pacifiers (trying these and these first)
Pacifier case and clips
Teethers (here & here)
Leather mat for tummy time, backyard hangs, picnics, and more!
Travel crib

Car seat and base (plus an extra base for our other car)
Car seat cover
Car seat mirror

Clothes and Accessories
Sleep swaddles (trying this & this) + sleep sacks (from Pehr and Kyte Baby)
Swaddles (a few favorites here, here, and here)
Sleeper gowns and footed, zipper onesies (I recommend Kyte Baby, GoUmi, Colored Organics)
A few gender neutral outfits in sizes beyond 0-3M
Simple onesies, socks and mittens
Closet dividers

Breastfeeding + support pillow (favorites here & here)
Bottle sample box (allows you to try 5 different bottles)
High chair + tray (we went with the Stokke Tripp Trapp (splurgy, I know) for its adaptability, quality, aesthetic, and because it’s supposed to be one of the best for posture/support)
Bottle drying rack
Portable table chair
A few dining items (favorites here and here)
Haakaa (a “must” per mama friends!)
Organic burp cloths

Bath Time + Diapering
Baby bathtub
Towels (here & here) and washcloths
Baby toiletries (shampoo/body wash, diaper balm, lotion etc.)
Diapers in various sizes (trying Honest, Pampers Pure and Hello Bello first)
Wipes (these and these)
Changing mat
Changing kit for diaper bag
Wipe warmer

Nursery & Decor
Changing basket/lounger (since we’re not getting a Moses basket)
Sound machine/night light
Crib mattress
Bassinet sheets
Laundry hamper

Health & Safety
Electric nail file/trimmer
Snot sucker

Toys & Books
Play gym
Wooden toys (check out The Tot, Bitte Shop, and Crate & Kids for beautiful options)
Board books, black & white high contrast cards, soft books 
Stacking cups

For the Parents
Ring sling
Pouch set for diaper bag
Childhood history journal

Things We Had Already Been Gifted or Purchased Ourselves
Diaper bag
DockATot and cover (I’ve also heard wonderful things about the Snuggle Me Organic lounger)
Linen play mat (from this Etsy shop)
Baby blankets
Baby carrier

What We’re Skipping (at least for now)
Diaper pail (heard mixed reviews on these, so we’ll test out just throwing away in our main trash/outside trash)
Bottle warmer
Crib sheets (waiting on these since Baby will be in a bassinet for the first several months, and I want to see how the nursery comes together at the new house)