Tips for Staying Healthy on Vacation (While Still Having Fun)

Tips for Staying Healthy on Vacation (While Still Having Fun)

For me vacation is all about having fun, de-stressing, and trying new activities and foods! Trey and I are definitely foodies, and picking out restaurants is one of our favorite parts of trip-planning. 

However, it can seem impossible to stay healthy on vacation, and I've definitely had trips where I feel disgusting by the end of the trip. I really don't like to feel bad (does anyone though?? haha), so I feel like I've finally made the right adjustments to stay healthy on vacation, while still treating myself. All of these tips are about finding balance! Please don’t completely deprive yourself on vacation, but also know that splurging at every single meal and laying down for 5 straight days may not leave you feeling or looking your best.

how to stay healthy on vacation | Love, Lenore

Swap out a sedentary activity for something active

It depends on the type of trip and your destination to a certain extent, but there is pretty much always something you can do to be active while you travel! From renting bikes, paddle boarding, planning a hike or finding a free outdoor workout class, there are lots of ways to have fun while experiencing your destination in a unique, active way! If the location allows, I love to plan a hike on our trips. It's great exercise, the fresh air is refreshing, and it's often the best way to take in the area you're visiting!

Choose Fresh, Local Restaurants and Dishes

I'm always a fan of scoping out restaurants and menus in advance, and try to eat at local spots as much as possible. I'm always on the lookout for menus with locally and ethically sourced meat and eggs, and lots of fresh produce (versus friend foods). I love eating fresh seafood on the coast, or eating vegetables from a local farm. It's easy to make a healthy meal choice when you have these options in front of you! That being said, balance is key and a couple of splurge meals are absolutely okay!

Moderation is Key with Drinks & Desserts

I definitely think you should "treat yo self" on vacation, but moderation is key. 

I love to throw in some treats when I’m on vacation, but I don’t feel my best when I overdo it. If I know we’re going to dinner with drinks I’ll try to keep things cleaner at breakfast and lunch. I also try to pick just one or two desserts over the course of the trip.

Ditch the Uber and Walk!

If you’re visiting a walkable area, most definitely take advantage! Walking is such an underrated form of exercise, but it's so good for you! It’s also my favorite way to check out a new place because you can walk through neighborhoods and look at houses, and pop into little stores and restaurants.

Pack Healthy Snacks or Pick Some Up at the Store

It's easier to choose a healthier options when it's readily available to you! I'm also someone who likes/needs to have snacks around to keep my blood sugar steady. Some of my favorite snacks to pack or to grab at the store are raw almonds (I buy big bags then separate servings into little baggies), hard boiled eggs, string cheese, berries, and protein bars (but make sure they're low in sugar! I like Quest bars right now).

Put Some Veggies On Your Plate

And no, fries don't count! I think we all know how important vegetables are in our diet, but it's easy to leave them out sometimes. However, they're full of vitamins and minerals and fiber - all essential to caring for ourselves! If you have the option to have veggies as a side or to add a side salad, then get in those greens girl!