7 Things to Do Before Summer Ends

summer bucket list / Lulus stripe jumpsuit

Whoa, I cannot believe summer is flying by as fast as it is! Though most of us work year-round and the buildup to summer isn’t as exciting as it used to be, I still get so excited for the summer months, the sundresses and warm weather, and the unique things you can do. Before fall arrives, I wanted to make a little list of fun and/or positive things we can all do to celebrate the end of summer!

7 Things to Do Before Summer Ends
stripe jumpsuit with low back

Spend Some Time by the Water

This is obviously different for all of us since I can’t make it to the ocean this month, but I want to squeeze in one or two more lake days or at least lay by a pool for a bit to soak up some warm sunshine (with spf of course). If you live near a beach, please take advantage on behalf of the rest of us!

Try a New Spot for Date Night

Whether it’s a date with your significant other or a get-together with friends, pick a spot you’ve been wanting to try! Trey and I can sometimes be bad about visiting our old favorites over and over, but lately we’ve been trying to branch out and try new places and new activities.

Do a Closet Clean-out

I love to do a seasonal closet cleanout when I evaluate what I didn’t wear that season. I always donate a large portion, but I also sell some pieces on Poshmark (username @lovelenore) and have done local Facebook sales as well (with great success). It always feels nice to enter a new season with a clean closet! This may not necessarily be a “fun” activity, but it will make you feel so good moving into the fall!

cute striped jumpsuit
wide leg jumpsuit with platform sandals

Spend an Evening on Your Patio

We love to take a night here & there to hangout on our back porch. We’ll grill our dinner, share a bottle of wine, and either listen to music or watch a tv show on the ipad. It’s so fun to sit outside with our cute lights and potted plants, just enjoying each other’s company and soaking up a warm summer evening. If you don’t have a patio of your own, check out a local brewery or winery’s patio. Bonus points if there’s live music!

Read a Just-for-Fun Book

I’ll be honest, I don’t read as often as I would like and when I do read it’s often a nutrition or health type of book. I always say I’m “too busy” and most of my time is spent with a computer in front of my face. If you’re someone who reads all the time then this idea probably doesn’t seem like a big deal, but if you’re like me and have a stack of books on your “must read” list, pick one up and allow yourself some time to relax and read for fun!  

striped jumpsuit

Make Homemade Sushi

Trey and I recently tried our hands at homemade sushi, and it was actually so good! We definitely need more practice, but it was fun to do together as an at-home date night, and we got our sushi fix for a lot less money than it would have been to go out. We ordered a sushi making kit off of Amazon, and then looked up some recipes and tutorials.  

Be a Tourist in Your Own Area

I need to follow my own advice, because there are so many great things to do in our area that Trey and I have never taken the time to do! Usually when we’re off of work we just want to be home (I’m the biggest homebody), but when we do decide to explore a new activity we always have fun together. A couple of things on my list are to explore some state parks that are within 1-2 hours of driving, and to visit a large aquarium in a neighboring city!

jumpsuit: c/o Lulu'ssandalsearrings |  similar bags here & here

What’s on your list of things to do before the end of summer?? Let me know below!