Second Trimester Updates


I’m a few weeks into my third trimester now, but wanted to still share a second trimester update! I lost my original nearly-final draft (truly so sad), so had to start over and remember as much as possible. I feel like my second trimester absolutely flew by, and I finally enjoyed a nice little honeymoon phase starting around 20 weeks! 

How I’m feeling

As I moved into my second trimester I expected to start feeling good like so many people said I would, but to be honest, it took until 18-20 weeks to start truly feeling good and more “normal.” I was tired and just “off” until that point. I also think seasonal affective disorder was affecting me on that tail end of winter, so moving into spring helped my mental health tremendously.

After that I finally hit a bit of a honeymoon phase. Eating healthy and moving my body were enjoyable again, and I had much more energy!

I will say, that without Unisom and B6 I was still experiencing nausea through my second trimester. I haven’t tried to stop taking them again for awhile after my doctor reassured me that it’s complete okay for me to continue, so I’m continuing on to help me function and feel good! I’m not someone who likes taking medicine for anything, but this combo has been life-giving.

Workouts + Movement

I’ll be the first to admit that I haven’t worked out as much during pregnancy as I always told myself I would. It’s hard! However, I’m trying to go for 20-30 minute power walks most days (often with ankle weights) and am doing a few prenatal-friendly pilates workouts each week. Overall I’m feeling healthy, so I’m not pushing myself too hard or worrying about it too much.

Cravings / Nutrition / What I’m Eating

Early in my second trimester I was strongly craving popsicles and cold fruit, but those tapered off and I haven’t experienced many cravings since! 

Overall, I think around 16-18 weeks was when I realized I needed to get back into a more normal and nourishing way of eating (for me). First trimester and early second trimester food aversions kicked my butt and totally threw off my taste buds and eating habits. Once I started eating in my more normal way (with treats here & there of course), I instantly felt SO much better and more energized. 

These are all fairly normal for me, but I wanted to share some meals and snacks I’ve been loving lately: 

+ “Fab Four” smoothies: protein, fiber, fat and greens. You can find one of my favorites here + lots saved in the “smoothies” highlight on my Instagram.
+ scrambled eggs with salsa and 1/2 avocado
+ coconut yogurt with berries + two eggs

+ chicken salad over greens and with some raw veggies (like cucumber and bell pepper slices)
+ my avocado sourdough toast with eggs (always fills me up)
+ veggie hashes with a fried egg on top (like this one)
+ Jimmy Johns unwiches
+ leftovers from many of the dinner ideas below

+ salmon (with garlic, honey & coconut aminos) with sides of rice and 2-3 veggies
+ cauliflower fried rice with shrimp
+ egg roll bowls and stir fries for lots of protein and veggies
+ cauliflower crust pizza loaded up with veggies
+ paleo chicken tenders with sweet potato fries and a salad
+ Greek lemon chicken soup
+ Lentil pasta with marinara, onions, mushrooms, zucchini and spinach

+ coconut yogurt with berries
+ IQ bars
+ veggies with hummus or a nut-based dip
+ string cheese
+ olives
+ fresh pineapple or mango out of the fridge

+ paleo or gluten free toaster waffles with peanut butter & strawberry preserves
+ these banana bread cookies
+ my favorite vegan + grain-free chocolate chip cookies
+ dark chocolate

Books / Resources / Education

I finished Expecting Better and Real Food for Pregnancy and highly recommend both! I learned so much and they motivated me + instilled confidence. We also started childbirth education through Motherland Birth Co. right at the end of my second trimester, and are continuing that + birth and postpartum planning with our doula now into my third trimester.  

Nursery / Baby Items

We still haven’t started on the nursery, although I love our mood board and the few things we’ve purchased. We do have our bassinet/crib, and I just ordered a glider. I’ll be able to share some big news soon that will explain more, but it’s likely we won’t decorate a true nursery/room until after Baby arrives, and I’ve grown to be at peace with that. 

I’ve realized that there are two types of pregnant mamas - the ones you have their nurseries and baby supplies nearly completed by their second trimesters, and ones who basically have the few essentials leading up to birth and plan to get everything else lined out eventually ;) I expected to be more of the former, but with some life circumstances, am falling in the latter category. I’ve learned both are perfectly amazing and that comparing does the soul no good. 

I also want to note that my baby showers are on the later end (my in-person one will be around 3 weeks before baby’s due date - eek!), so that’s delaying a lot of baby-related items. I’m finding myself wanting to buy lots of supplies, but I’m trying to wait on my showers and any gifts we have the privilege of receiving as much as possible. 

Something I got early on and love is my Mina Baie diaper bag! The quality is beautiful and I love all of the organization. I’ve also gotten some great baby basics from Kate Quinn! Their prices during their collection drops are super affordable and I’m a fan of the fabrics as well.

I do plan to share some of our baby registry items soon!

second trimester surprises

  • That it took me so long to feel better. All I had heard was how much better I would feel in my second trimester, so as I continued to feel nauseous and exhausted weeks into my second trimester, it was a bit of a struggle.

  • It surprised me how long I took to “show,” but then how fast my bump took off once it made its appearance!

  • Belly button tenderness was such an odd symptom that showed up for a week or so. I think it was pressure from my belly button popping out + that tender skin rubbing on my clothes.

  • That I was able to continue eating dairy and even a little bit of gluten! It’s been really enjoyable and freeing to add more foods back into my diet.

Second Trimester Joys

  • Feeling Baby move for the first time was so fun. It was during my twentieth week and felt like little bubbles popping. Starting around 22 weeks I could feel more defined kicks, and movements have only gotten more pronounced ever since. I absolutely love feeling the baby move — it brings me so much peace and joy.

  • Our 24-week ultrasound. Baby didn’t cooperate well during our 20-week anatomy scan, so we got a bonus one four weeks later and it was magical seeing their little face, feet, legs, etc. and imagining holding them.

  • Really clear skin! If you’ve followed for awhile, you know acne has been a significant part of my journey for many years now. After some first trimester hormonal acne, I have enjoyed mostly clear skin since the second trimester and have appreciated and loved it every single day!'

  • Baths. Prior to being pregnant, I hadn’t taken a bath in 6-7 years, but they have been such a nice treat during pregnancy! I love lighting a candle and adding epsom salts.