Posts tagged Pregnancy
My Pregnancy Must-Haves

I’ve gotten lots of questions about my favorite items and resources during pregnancy, so I wanted to collect them in one place. Overall, I’ve tried to keep purchases pretty minimal throughout pregnancy because I didn’t want to spend a lot of money for a temporary season or accumulate a lot of new stuff! A lot of these items aren’t pregnancy specific, but made my experience so much better! I also included some wellness investments like chiropractic care in my final weeks.

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Third Trimester Update and Q&A

I truly cannot believe we are already so close to Baby O’s arrival! My pregnancy has truly flown by between juggling multiple careers and kicking off a major home renovation. While I would love a little more time to read, prepare and rest, I’m also glad that my schedule is keeping me busy these days as we count down. Here are some updates from my third trimester…

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